Erasmus+ Project: Hotel Academy


Project Hotel Academy was chosen on a call Erasmus + Strategic Partnerships 2018. Project partners come from Slovenia, Croatia and Austria. European grants are intended for the development of proficiency training programs on profiles: hotel chambermaid, bellboy, hotel animator, concierge, hotel diplomacy manager.

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Head of Project:
Srednjeevropski Izobraževalni Center Ptuj, Pot v toplice 9, 2250 Ptuj

• Erudio izobraževalni center, Litostrojska c. 40, SI – 1000 Ljubljana
• AOT Consulting GmbH, Bösendorferstrasse 6, A – 1010 Wien
• ÖHV Touristik Service GmbH, Schottenfeldgasse 23/6, A – 1070 Wien
• Visoka škola za menadžment i dizajn Aspira, Mike Tripala 6, H – 21000 Split
• Terme Tuhelj d.o.o., Ljudevita Gaja 4, Tuheljske Toplice, H – 49215 Tuhelj
Duration of Project: 03.09.2018 – 02.03.2021
Total Volume of Project: € 294.185,00.-

Strategic Partnerships are transnational projects designed to develop and share innovative practices and promote cooperation, peer learning, and exchanges of experiences in the fields of education, training, and youth.
Fotocredits: Projekt HA, Srednjeevropski Izobraževalni Center Ptuj